Why I Infuse Personality and SEO as my Blog Writing Strategy

Why I Infuse Personality and SEO as my Blog Writing Strategy


Part of my brand values is incorporating personality and SEO in my blog writing strategy. Why? People (including me) always preach the importance of SEO and how blogs are a great strategy to boost your rankings. 

But sometimes business owners forget to add personality, or they’re scared to. I think our society is scared to share their opinions and personalities for fear of retribution or being canceled. It’s sad! Everyone is so unique, and hiding parts of themselves is a disservice to their future clients and other people in their industry. Showing (not just showing, but FLAUNTING) your personality will help you attract your dream clients.

I’m taking you behind the scenes of why I center my whole blog writing strategy around infusing personality and SEO.

The Importance of Personality in Blogs

Before I start writing for a new client, I ask them to fill out a questionnaire so I can learn more about their brand, audience, personality, and tone of voice. I don’t write the same way for each client. Some are spunky, fun, and playful. Others are edgy and love dropping the occasional F-bomb. Another keeps it professional and direct.

Imagine if I wrote the same way for all those clients. It would be a literal disaster. Not to mention, a complete waste of time and money because their blogs wouldn’t perform well. The content wouldn’t resonate with their respective audiences. I have to understand their audience and write in each brand’s unique voice.

Personality adds a human touch to the brand and the writing. It’s how people connect with you and your company. Personality fosters trust and loyalty among your readers. 

It’s not something AI can easily replicate. I wrote a whole blog about AI and blog writing if you wanna read it. Personality is what differentiates you from AI-written content and your competitors. You could have a competitor with the same services and price point as you, but some people will pick them over you, and vice versa. 


Because they resonate more with the personality of one of you over the other. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a business – people go with the company/person they feel the most comfortable with. 

That’s why I love adding personality to blogs. It helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors and gives readers an idea of what it would be like working with you.

How to Add Personality to Copy

Adding personality to copy is honestly SO fun for me! Each client varies so much; it’s fun to get out of my comfort zone of writing a certain way and challenge my writing skills!

Anyway, so how do you add personality to copy? 

  • Write Conversationally: This is my favorite – write like you’re talking to a friend. If you quote movie lines in real life to be funny or exaggerate, use that style in your writing. 
  • Tell Stories: People resonate the most with stories – people LOOOVE a good story. So, add personal stories to your blogs.
  • Add Humor: The copy that makes people giggle out loud while reading it is GOLD. Adding your sense of humor into your copy can really resonate with people.
  • Show Emotion: Emotions can help readers identify with what you’re writing about. Speak on struggles, happiness, success, failures, etc. to connect with your audience.
  • Express Opinions: Brands that express opinions are more likely to attract their target audience than the ones that stay in the middle of the road all the time. Take a stand!
  • Be Authentic: Authenticity shows through writing. Be yourself, and your dream clients will be attracted to you.

The Importance of SEO for Blog Writing Strategy

Geesh, this could be an entire blog by itself. Basically, SEO is how blogs show up on Google. If you didn’t have an SEO strategy for your blogs, you’d be on your own trying to drive traffic to your content. And if you don’t have a huge loyal audience, that would be pretty hard to do.

SEO helps Google understand what your content is about and when to show it in search results. Google doesn’t want to show irrelevant content to its users, so if it doesn’t know what your blog is about, it’ll never show it.

These are some benefits of including an SEO strategy with your blogs:

  • Increased Visibility: SEO helps your blog rank higher in search engine results pages, which drives more traffic to your website. 
  • Organic Traffic: By optimizing your blog for SEO, you can attract a steady stream of visitors who are actively searching for the topics you cover.
  • Targeted Audience: SEO allows you to target specific keywords and phrases relevant to your blog topic and audience. You’ll attract people who are genuinely interested in the content you provide.
  • Credibility and Trust: Websites that rank higher in search results are often perceived as more trustworthy. The higher your blog ranks after SEO optimization, the more credibility you’ll get from searchers.
  • Long-Term Growth: SEO is a long-term strategy that provides long-term benefits. Once you achieve high rankings for your target keywords, you can continue to attract highly targeted traffic and leads.
  • Competitive Advantage: Effective SEO strategies can give you a competitive advantage by helping you outrank competitors in search results. Searchers will land on your website first instead of a competitor’s.

SEO is crucial for blogs. You can’t have a successful blog without an effective SEO strategy. 

Why BOTH are Important for Success

Infusing personality and SEO creates the perfect balance between writing for humans and writing for search engines. And it’s how you see the most success from your blogs.

The search engine piece is necessary for new people to find your business. There’s only so much you can do yourself to get your name out there. Search engines are the best way to reach a completely new and large group of your target audience.

The human piece is necessary because those are your future clients. You can’t get so caught up in writing for search engines that you forget they are referring PEOPLE to your blogs. Your blogs need to appeal to the people reading them.

Think of it like this: SEO is the strategy, and personality is the connection. You need BOTH to have a successful blog.

My blog writing strategy and services have helped 25+ clients achieve the traffic they’ve been looking for. If your blogs need a refresh that includes personality and SEO, contact me today

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Some links in this blog post may be affiliate links. I only recommend products and services I trust and believe would be beneficial to you.

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