
How to Get Over Writer’s Block


Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, you can experience writer’s block. Writer’s block is a mental phenomenon that makes a person unable to produce new written content. Think of it as being creatively unmotivated or uninspired. Everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. Many people remember having it in their schooling days of trying to hit a word count on a topic they don’t care about. 

But it can happen to business owners, too. It’s not from lack of caring because, of course, business owners care about their business and their clients. Writer’s block can happen for a variety of reasons. I’ll share some reasons for writer’s block as well as how to get over writer’s block.

What Causes Writer’s Block?


Is there something in your personal life that’s causing you to lose focus? It could be an illness, depression, financial pressures, or the end of a relationship. I tested positive for COVID-19 in 2021, and it was rough getting back in the swing of things. A physical illness set me back a few weeks but I had to focus on healing my body. I couldn’t focus on producing quality work. So, I took time for myself and came back to writing when I had the energy and mental capacity to focus on something else. It’s totally okay to do that when you need to! The important thing is to come back to it.


Did one of your recent pieces of work fail? Failure often makes space in our head to live and breed negative thoughts. We think that because we failed one time, we’re not meant to continue. That thought is WRONG! Every successful person has failed. Not just failed, but failed multiple times before getting it right! Do you understand that it’s so incredibly rare for someone to succeed the first, second, or even the third time they do something? Don’t let yourself get trapped in negative thinking. It won’t do you any good.

3 Tips to Get Over Writer’s Block


This always helps me when I’m not feeling creative. I consider myself an introvert, and I talk to myself in my head a lot. It helps me sort my thoughts and decide what I actually want to say before speaking. I do the same with my writing. I let my brain start talking and my fingers follow on the keyboard. Your brain is more creative than you think. Let it take the lead and see where it guides you. 


Fresh air is a magical thing. I always feel refreshed and ready to go when I take a break outside. You could take a walk, ride your bike, or sit in the sun for a few minutes. Plus, my best ideas come to me when I’m on a walk! When I feel uninspired, I take a quick walk around the block and restart my brain. It works every time for me!


Sometimes it’s as simple as that. Yeah, it might be the worst blog or social media post you’ve ever written. But the beauty is that you can come back to it the next day and revise your work. Sometimes I produce nonsense. I read it back and think, “what does that even mean?” That’s fine! I go back and edit. Who said you have to commit to your first draft? Unless you’re using a typewriter, make all the edits you want. You don’t have to commit to everything you write but, it’s important to continue writing. Getting in a rut of thinking you’re not good enough or not creative enough will only set you back further. Get your thoughts on paper, even if you end up throwing them out later. 

Are you currently struggling with writer’s block? Sometimes the best thing to do is allow someone to take over your writing while you deal with a personal issue or mental block. I specialize in writing blogs for entrepreneurs. If any of these areas are currently lacking for you, let’s set up a discovery call to see how we can work together. You don’t have to go through writer’s block alone or let it destroy your business. Everyone can use help once in a while, and I would be happy to help you.

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